-----------This is the place to follow the progress of the Brigada comic book by Enrique Fernandez.-----------

\\\\\\\\\\\\ PRE-ORDERS AND CONTACT please mail to "BRIGADACOMIC@GMAIL.COM" //////////////////

martes, 13 de agosto de 2013

Shippings#4 August 12

All the books (spanish  version only ) for Spain have been send today. If you don´t receive it in the next two weeks please contact the oficial mail.

Hoy hemos terminado de enviar todos los libros en español con destinos nacionales (España y Canarias).
Si en dos semanas no habéis recibido vuestra copia por favor poneos en contacto con nosotros al mail oficial.


We are now preparing the shippings for France, Belgium, USA and Canada togheter, and they will be shipped as far as August 29. The delivery on this shippings would take no more than 5 days, according to the delivery company.
The rest of the international books would be delivered as soon as we finish that previous shipping. It will take us at least a week to prepare everyhting, so probably they will be shipped in the first/second week of september.

All this information depends on how fast we could manage all the deliveries, not an easy thing to do, plenty of details. Please be patient.

4 comentarios:

  1. Hey Enrique! Sounds like you are busting them out! Good job :).

    Did you say that you were sending out the books to the art commission supporters first? So does that mean they went out with the first round even is they went to the USA?


  2. The suporters who ordered the A4 drawing will receive first the book, and then asked for their favourite character to do the drawing, that will be shipped as soon as can be done.

  3. ¿Para cuando los que no estamos en España?

  4. La verdad que me gsuta la organizacion y como estas posteando lo que haces dia a dia con la entrega asi todos sepamos como viene la mano, no me imoporta esperar en tanto llegue sano y salvo jeje, saludos
