-----------This is the place to follow the progress of the Brigada comic book by Enrique Fernandez.-----------

\\\\\\\\\\\\ PRE-ORDERS AND CONTACT please mail to "BRIGADACOMIC@GMAIL.COM" //////////////////

miércoles, 29 de julio de 2015

Just 30 shippings left

Today we have sent part of the last shippings. It will arrive in the coming weeks.
The rest of the shipments will be placed between  this week and the next.
Thanks for your patience, the end is coming! (and I couldn´t be more happier to see the light at the end...)

jueves, 9 de julio de 2015

Belgium & UK

Shippings to Belgium and UK have been delivered this morning (please consider that some of them could take one week to arrive).
We keep doing our best to end the shipping process as soon as posible.
Thanks for your patience.

miércoles, 24 de junio de 2015

Shippings (udpates & delays)

The shipping for these countries have been already delivered:

-United States

The rest of the countries unfortunatelly will suffer a new delay. It´s really difficult to make the shippings to all the countries individually, as there are constant troubles with the already done ones (missed deliveries due to incorrect information on the formulary are a daily trouble that delays everything heavily)
Sorry for the new delay. The books are almost ready to be delivered in the coming weeks, but it´s not posible by now to say something more precise.

Thanks a lot again for your patience and in case you don´t agree with this situation please contact us at ""

miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2015

Shipping delay

The schedule for the shippings has suffered a little delay, as for the contract we have with the shipping company, we have to check manually one by one again to add the shipping information (on a sticker) for the French , Italian and Germany destinations (near 400 individual shippings).

This delay will affect , unfortunately, to the rest of shippings.

Estimated time to deliver in France: next week (first week of June)
For Italy and Germany: between the first and second week of June.
Rest of the countries during the third and fourth weeks of June.

Spain, Usa and Canada destinations have been already delivered.
Sorry for this last minute inconvenience, unpredicted on our plans, and thanks again for your patience.

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2015

Shipping schedule: May 14

Just a quick post to update the shipping schedule:

-Shippings to SPAIN + PORTUGAL (ZONE A): All delivered.

-ZONE B (France): Still in process. Expected to be delivered next week to the shipping company , and then three to four days to complete all shippings.

-Shippings to USA+CANADA: All will be delivered to the shipping company tomorrow May15. Then it´s expected to take a week for the delivery to each customer.

-Rest of countries- expected to be delivered to the shipping company last week of May, first week of June.

domingo, 19 de abril de 2015

Saló del Comic Barcelona

He recibido algunos mails y comentarios sobre el tema de que durante los días del Saló del Cómic en Barcelona hubiera copias a la venta de Brigada#2 en el stand de Librería Universal y en otras tiendas a nivel nacional.
Entiendo que haya sido una sorpresa , como mecenas, ver a la venta el comic sin haberlo recibido en casa primero.
Vamos por partes:

-El mecenas particular recibe el comic con varios extras, que incluyen el envío a domicilio, y que no estarán disponibles de ninguna otra forma ni en ninguna tienda.

-Las tiendas que han recibido copias durante estos días son a su vez mecenas, ya que participaron en la campaña de la misma forma que lo hacen los particulares (como se puede comprobar en la pagina del proyecto en Verkami, donde vienen listados los participantes).

-Las tiendas compran packs de libros no para su uso personal, sino para su venta y apoyo de este tipo de mecanismos de autoedición. Siendo las fechas del Saló del Comic uno de los puntos más importantes del calendario para esta industria, y teniendo los libros recien salidos de imprenta (con gran esfuerzo para que lleguen a tiempo a esa fecha determinada), es justo que los libreros tengan la opción de aprovechar esta ocasión.

-Los envios a particulares, como se ha descrito en este mismo blog, estan previstos que sean entregados a nivel nacional para la semana que viene como muy tarde. Por el tipo de contrato con la agencia de transportes encargada del reparto, todos los paquetes deben enviarse al mismo tiempo. Esto implica que debamos esperar a tener todos los envios preparados almacenados (más de 500 a nivel nacional) y no podamos enviarlos a medida que los tenemos preparados, algo que por otro lado nos sería más cómodo a nosotros mismos para realizar su gestión.

-En ningun momento se menosprecia el apoyo de los mecenas, sean particulares o sean tiendas.

Creo que no me dejo ningun punto por comentar.
Este post está publicado oficialmente para contestar comentarios recibidos, y para contestar a los que no han protestado directamente, sino a traves de terceras personas, sin haber consultado primero a los responsables.
Un saludo
Enrique Fernández.

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2015

Updating Schedule.

The books are finally here and we are starting the shippings.
As we have a contract with the shipping company, we need to have everything packaged before starting the delivery. To make it simple, here´s the estimated schedule according to destinations:

- Spain, Portugal : they will start the last week of April.
- France :second week of May
-USA, Canada: third week of May
-Rest: Last week of May.

The shipping process takes a lot of time as we take care of each delivery individually, being just signed or with a drawing, that takes quite some time. But even that, the schedule is going on as planned.
Thanks for your patience! :)